Individual training & workshops

#boostyourfashioncareer #designyourfuture #pureoutfitness

Seize the opportunity and realize your fashion dreams!

Individual training. For fashion lovers, sewing addicts, career changers and heart workers of all ages who are keen on more fashion. And for those who want to learn without pressure.

You love everything about fashion. You passionately tailor clothes yourself, but sewing just as a hoppy is not enough for you. You want to learn about every single aspect.
Distinguish yourself from other sewing addicts.
You may be - but not necessarily - a tailor or a student in fashion or any other studies and you are looking for more (creative) challenges.

You're a career changer.You want to learn something, but you don't want to study under pressure of getting excellent grades or following strict curricula. You want to broaden your horizons. To become even better. You don't want to wait, you want to get started. Now. Because you are a real heart worker.

Then our individual easy-to-book and any-time to-enroll training workshops are the right solution for you.
Prerequisite for all courses is your interest. We do not ask about your school graduation, your degree, your education or your age. We want to take you and your desire for fashion to the next level. Because you want it.

We offer you more than 200 courses/workshops on various topics.
Individual workshops. Tailored to your needs and based on your abilities. Paired with field experienced lecturers, and their know how on how the fashion business rules.

For example:
Pattern Making (draping, lingerie, sportswear etc.) – finally realize your own fashion ideas – from developing the pattern, to sewing your garments, to finishing your designs, and much more!
Design and Presentation IT (complete AdobeCloud, text design etc.) - also for non-digital natives!
Textiles (weaving, knitting, textile printing, dyeing etc.) – embroider, print and dye yourself. CAD Pattern Making (common programs used in the industry, such as Assyst, Vidya etc.) Brand “I” – learn to express yourself, to phrase and to present your ideas.
Career - build your future, boost your carreer!

and so much more ...
Lots of additional style. For everyone who wants more. For yourself and your career.


Then contact us. We will be happy to provide you with more detailed information. 

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Persönliche Angaben
Modefachschule Sigmaringen

An education and advanced training offered by the Modefachschule Sigmaringen.
